Dec 6, 2014
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Sweet pastry for pies | Pumpkin pie

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This is a very good recipe for sweet pastry for pies.

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  • Recipe: rustic
  • Difficulty: Medium

There was a time when pie crust was an enigma. I love the pie, but I never managed to make those thin sheets that are neither too thin nor too thick and the sheets of commerce were not what I wanted. So I searched for various recipes, I tested them, until I came to this recipe that seemed perfect.


  • 200 g margarine and butter (half a half)
  • 400 g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 g powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp Baking powder
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • Mineral Water
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4.
  2. For dough, rub margarine with sugar.
  3. Incorporate eggs, baking powder, vanilla, salt powder and ​​flour.
  4. Knead a homogeneous but not very hard dough.
  5. You need to add some mineral water for elasticity
  6. The batter must be elastic and not stick.
  7. Put it in a foil and put it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
  8. Sweep the dough, split the coke and roll out the two pastry sheets until it’s around ½cm thick.
  9. Then put one pack them in a plastic wrap and put them in the refrigerator for another hour.
  10. Repeat the operation again.
  11. You can keep the dough in the freezer for a few days.

It can be filled with pumpkin.

Pumpkin filling:

  • 1 kg pumpkin given on rakes.
  • 150 g sugar.
  • add the cinnamon (7 g)
  • put the pot on the stove and mix it with sugar and cinnamon.
  • Leave on fire for about 7 minutes and then let it cool.
  • Leave for 5 minutes and then remove and place the pumpkin filling on the top.
  • Place the other sheet with the facade.
  • Stuff it with the fork instead.
  • Put it in the oven until golden (about 30 minutes with a low heat).
  • Dust with icing sugar and cut off after it has cooled completely
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