Apr 11, 2015
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Oven Roasted Shrimps with vegetables

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Shrimps with vegetables


  • 1 kilo of fresh shrimps
  • 1 bundle of green onion
  • 2 stripes of wild garlic
  • 1 pimiento
  • parsley
  • 2 tomatoes
  • spices ( salt, pepper, I also use grill chicken spices with vegetables)
  • little olive oil
  • 2 ramsons leafs


1.     I have used a covered roman pot

2.     Clean the shrimps with fresh water in several raounds

3.     Cleaning the shrimps will start by removing their legs, intestines, and heads. Grilled shrimps can be prepared whole. Only the white meat from the tail will be consumed.

4.     Add cleaned shrimps into the roman pot and mix it with finely chopped vegetables and spices. Splash also a bit of olive oil too.

5.     Cover the pot and keep it in the oven for 30 minutes.

6.     Can be served with garlic sauce.

Article Categories:
Seafood and fish

Eu sunt Catalina si prin blogul meu de retete vreau sa va ofer retete incercate de mine si preparate cu dragoste pentru gatit si pentru mancare buna.
