Sep 5, 2018
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Pancakes (French Crepes) with chocolate

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The secrets of this delicious pancakes: many eggs, special non sticky pancake pan, the pan must be well heated.

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The secrets of this delicious pancakes:

  • many eggs
  • special non sticky pancake pan
  • the pan must be well heated
  • consistency of pancake mixture: like a thick cream that flows


  • 400 g flour
  • 400 ml milk
  • 100 ml of mineral water
  • 6 eggs
  • pinch of salt
  • 50 g melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • half lemon zest
  • oil for preparing pancakes in a pan
  • Nutella chocolate cream


  1. Mix the eggs in a mixer ball
  2. Add the melted butter
  3. Add the flour step by step
  4. Add milk, vanilla essence, lemon zest, pinch of salt and then add mineral water until it reaches a creamy consistency. If it is necessary to be thicker, add flour.
  5. Allow at least half an hour to rest in the refrigerator
  6. Prepare the pancakes in a pan following this steps:
    1. Add a drop of oil in a heated pan
    2. Use a ladle to add the mixture in a pan. you need to rotate the pan when you put the mixture in order to have a thin layer that covers the entire pan bottom
    3. Cook for 2 or 3 minutes. Using a wide spatula turn on the other side and cook for 2 more minutes
    4. Place the pancake on a large plate and cover
    5. Repeat the process for each pancake

Spread the chocolate cream on each pancake and roll.

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